Evolution - August 2000
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Starting: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 18:23:37 EDT
Ending: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 19:10:35 EDT
- A Baylor scientist on Dembski
- A Baylor Scientist on Dembski 1/2
- A Baylor Scientist on Dembski 2/2
- A Pyrrhic Victory For Kansas
- A Question of Abiogenesis
- ADV: mytvtaxi.com - Everything TV!
- Another ID argument
- another interview with Phil Johnson
- anti-evolutionists booted out
- auth 3ef8b22a subscribe evolution slccfrontliner@hotmail.com
- Baylor Scientist on Dembski
- Behe responds to critics!
- Darwin wars
- Dembski 1/2
- Designed Designers?
- evidence against Darwinism-there isn't any!
- evidence against Darwinism-there isn't any! (was the `body language' of a threatened `priesthood'? ...)
- Evidence against ID?
- Evolution of biological information
- Hey Bertvan - Whats a 'Darwinist'?
- ID unfalsifiable?
- ID unfalsifiable? (was Designed Designers?)
- ID vs ?
- ID vs. ?
- ID vs.?
- Interesting paper
- Is anybody out there?
- Johnson's complacency
- Just a Theory
- Kansas standards: religious values = myths? (was Study Fuels Debate on Whether Birds Are Dinosaurs)
- Macro, Shmacro
- Macroevolution vs. ID theory
- Mike Behe: Response to critics concerning peer-review
- More about teaching the controversy
- More fiction from Stephen
- Nightline
- Piecemeal genetic differences as support for macroevolution, etc.
- quote is wildly out of context? (was A Baylor Scientist on Dembski 1/2)
- random genetic drift vs natural selection
- random genetic drift vs natural selection (was Scopes in reverse)
- Scopes in Reverse
- Selection "standard" determines type of results of selection.
- Study Fuels Debate on Whether Birds Are Dinosaurs
- Study Shows Out-Of-Africa Migration to Israel
- Teach the Controversy
- Teaching the Controversy
- the `body language' of a threatened `priesthood'? (was More fiction from ...
- the `body language' of a threatened `priesthood'? (was More fiction from Stephen)
- The Wedge of Truth-Amazon.com customer reviews
- U of Cal embarrassed by loony professor on Nightline
- Van Till's chapter
- What is a "Darwinist"?
- What is a "Darwinist'?
- What is a Darwinist?
- what is life, anyway?
- Why evolution is not truly random
Last message date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 19:10:35 EDT
Archived on: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 19:10:39 EDT
272 messages sorted by: [ author ][ date ][ thread ]
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