Re: A Baylor scientist on Dembski

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 12:50:06 EDT

  • Next message: Cliff Lundberg: "Re: A Baylor Scientist on Dembski"

    >>But I guess you are referring to higher levels of macroevolution. Since we
    >>know that speciation occurs, and the fossil record shows patterns of small
    >>changes building up into larger changes over long periods of time, the onus
    >>is on anti-evolutionists to show that some barrier exists which prevents
    >>small changes from building up in this way.
    >Hi Richard, artificial selection is many times more efficient than natural

    Is this assertion based on anything but your opinion? What makes natural
    selection any less efficient?

    >I wonder how many generations without producing anything but
    >deformed fruit flies before scientists begin to suspect the existence of such
    >a barrier?

    those "deformed fruit flies" have already evolved into a new species in the
    lab. What barrier? This argument is false and right out of the Little
    Creationist Handbook.



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