Re: Designed Designers?

From: David Bradbury (
Date: Sat Aug 05 2000 - 19:48:38 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: random genetic drift vs natural selection (was Scopes in reverse)" wrote:

    > to'; Steve Crawford
    > Hi Steve
    > [skip]

    > Many scientists believe in a lack of design, and this belief is a part of
    > their science. It determines where they look for answers. For instance,
    > regarding most of the genome as "junk" is justified by belief in the
    > nonexistence of any design. [skip]
    > Bertvan

    Recognizing the reasonable and responsible approach followed by both of you in
    expressing your differences (or is it seeking a deeper understanding of the
    other's position?) ... I believe you might appreciate the below thought (heard
    somewhere many years ago). It jumped into my mind upon reading the use of so
    called "junk" in the above paragraph.

    This being the unscientific practice of over-zealous researchers to arbitrarily
    assign a name ("junk") to their ignorance (the information content, if any, of
    yet to be deciphered/understood DNA code) and then presenting it to the public
    as if it were knowledge.

    Thanks for allowing this extraneous interruption. Now back to your always
    interesting discourse.

    Dave Bradbury

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