Re: ID vs ?

From: Cliff Lundberg (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 12:49:43 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: ID vs. ?"

    Susan Brassfield Cogan wrote:

    >Cliff doesn't like the idea that I think gradualism--though it is sometimes
    >very rapid gradualism--is necessary.

    These days we have two Cliffs posting, H and L.

    Very rapid gradualism is a tricky thing which I will leave to others. But when
    you absolutely exclude a mechanism, with no mechanistic explanation for the
    exclusion, you aren't being scientific, you're just applying a dubious

    >He has a non-mainstream explanation of the Cambrian Explosion that he
    >thinks refutes gradualism.

    Gradualism is the predominant mode of evolution, it won't be refuted.
    In certain cases alternative kinds of processes may have been operating.

    There is no mainstream explanation for the Cambrian explosion.

    >He keeps the idea pretty close to his chest.

    Close to my chest at <>.

    >It took me a while to figure out what bothered him about my arguments.

    Well, that's it. People with macroevolutionary theories will be bothered
    by the absolute metaphysical proscription of the possibilities they
    envision. This is religion-driven science, more interested in avoiding
    what they think is creationism than in puzzling out the facts.

    --Cliff Lundberg  ~  San Francisco  ~  415-648-0208  ~

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