Re: ID unfalsifiable? (was Designed Designers?)

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 17:28:10 EDT

  • Next message: "U of Cal embarrassed by loony professor on Nightline"

    >On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 13:45:46 -0700, wrote:
    >>SJ>There already is "genuine *evidence* of ID" but Richard and his kind
    >>>just rule it out on philosophical grounds. . . All it (sic ID) needs to
    >>>do is
    >>>convince a large proportion of the 80% of the public and the 40% of
    >>>scientists who already do believe in some form of design.
    >BW>Ah, the stupidity of egalitarian democracy. All you gots to do is
    >>convince the majority you are right and science is being done.

    Steven Jones:
    >No. But *funding* for "science" is ultimately determined by what Bill calls,
    >in elitist language, "the stupidity of egalitarian democracy"!

    The Discovery Institute pours millions into propaganda and none into
    research. I wonder why? Could it be there's nothing anybody can think of to



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