Evolution - December 2000
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Starting: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 01:44:27 EST
Ending: Sun Dec 31 2000 - 10:15:12 EST
- [creationevolutiondebate] We don't have all the answers yet, so why must ...
- [METAVIEWS] 098: Intelligent Design Coming Clean, Part 2 of 4
- [METAVIEWS] Jones getting stuck when he can't cut and paste again.
- A good account of Baylor
- all men were created equal but different, or were they?
- Ancient Chinese 'Bird' Used Feathers to Fly
- Born free? No such animal exists!
- Can you find more errors (was Daniel's 70 weeks #6)
- chance and selection
- chariot of the Gods & misunderstandings!
- chariot of the Gods>>>>>>>>>>>
- Chicken or the egg?
- Complexes a la Carte!
- Copelston groupies & the horse they rode in on!
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #1A (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #1B (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #1C (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #2A (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #2B (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #3A (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #3B (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #5A (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Daniel's 70 `weeks' #6 (was How to prove supernaturalism?)
- Darwin's contribution
- Definitions of ID
- Don't be alone this Year!!!! OK?
- Eight respects in which evolution is neither intelligent *nor* random
- Epistemological standards
- Fwd: [METAVIEWS] 098: Intelligent Design Coming Clean, Part 2 of 4
- Historical doctrines a la carte to go!
- I am a miracle, difference is I know it, I feel it, I'm rich!
- ID and Creationism
- Jones critiques Van Till's critique of Behe
- Limits on evolution
- Methods for measuring affect
- Methods of quantifying affect
- Natural and Supernatural (was Chance and Selection
- Natural and Supernatural (was Chance and Selection)
- Nourishment for overcompensators!
- Oops
- Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need t...
- Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to i
- Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to ident
- Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to identify who ...)
- Religious Beliefs that *Require* the Falsehood of Scientific Theories
- Religious Beliefs that *Require* the Falsehood of Scientific Theories (wa...
- Religious Beliefs that *Require* the Falsehood of Scientific Theories (was: we h
- Religious Beliefs that *Require* the Falsehood of Scientific Theories (was: we have witnessed no new species emerge in the wild?)
- Scientific studies to investigate biological determinism
- Scientists Find Fossils of Man's Earliest Ancestor
- Seasons Greetings & Farewell
- Supernaturalism's epistemological views as promoting a dark age. (part 1)
- Supernaturalism's epistemological views as promoting a dark age. (part 2)
- The Baddeley secret that many don't want to hear about
- The brain as a complex computer
- The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything
- the reptilian egg: a `construction project' design argument
- the reptilian egg: a `construction project' design argument 1/2
- the reptilian egg: a `construction project' design argument 2/2
- we have witnessed no new species emerge in the wild? (was Schutzenberger)
- we have witnessed no new species emerge in the wild? 1/2 (was Schutzenberger)
- we have witnessed no new species emerge in the wild? 2/2 (was Schutzenberger)
- Well????????????
- What about it!???????????
Last message date: Sun Dec 31 2000 - 10:15:12 EST
Archived on: Sun Dec 31 2000 - 10:15:13 EST
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