Re: The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 14:07:51 EST

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: Chance and Selection"

    >>>Chris: ...

    The basic error is the attempt to make consciousness a *metaphysical*
    primary, and Existence (the entirety of whatever exists) a secondary that is
    either subject to, or magically knowable by, the almighty mind, *without* the
    need for independent *cognitive* validation. But, since the pre-conceptual
    consciousness that *Existence* is primary is never really killed or fully
    suppressed, the person is (pre-conceptually) aware that the beliefs he has
    imposed on reality by means of his mere choice and feelings are not reliable
    and may be crucially wrong. Thus, he is in a state of anxiety about his
    relationship to the world, a state that he tries to assuage by ever more
    diligent faith in his *chosen* (not cognitively validated) beliefs.

    DNAunion: Where is "Silk here" when you need him? :-)

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