Religious Beliefs that *Require* the Falsehood of Scientific Theories (was: we h

Date: Sat Dec 09 2000 - 15:27:19 EST

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    Bill Wald said:
    >Until Francis Bacon and the Rationalists "we" lived in a spiritual world.
    >From Bacon and Newton we had a physical world to study but since
    >Copenhagen the universe has reverted to a spiritual world and science has
    >been conquered by philosophy. many of the pop science books are more
    >philosophical than scientific.

    >Personally, I think science should stick to Bacon's rules - verifyable
    >Dembski and others are preaching metaphysics.

    Hi Bill,
    You may be right that Demski is preaching metaphysics, but so are Darwinists
    who claim evolution and life is explainable without teleology. Few people
    would have any criticism of evolution vaguely defined as changes in organsims
    over time, but whether that happened by random mutation and natural
    selection is not anything about which many verifyable observations can be


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