Re: Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to identify who ...)

From: bill r wald (
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 13:12:16 EST

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: [creationevolutiondebate] We don't have all the answers yet, so why must ..."

    >Except that if Christianity is false, then
    >so is
    >Islam, because the Koran teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin. But
    >reverse is not the case-if Christianity is true then Islam is false. So
    >Islam is
    >false either way.

    This is an important argument which Christians refuse to admit cuts both
    ways. If there is any truth to Christianity then there must be truth to
    Old Testament Judaism. Christianity is (only) an addendum to OT Judaism.
    Christianity needs Judaism but Judaism doesn't need Christianity because
    it is a complete theological system. If God promised to send a messiah
    and Jesus isn't the messiah then nothing has changed because God will
    still send a messiah and Christianity made a bad evaluation of the
    historical data.

    Christianity needs Judaism but it doesn't need Jews. The case for
    Christianity would be better if every Jew was dead because it would be
    taken as evidence that the historical promises to the Jews was
    transferred to the Church.

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