Re: chariot of the Gods>>>>>>>>>>>

From: bill r wald (
Date: Sat Dec 23 2000 - 12:12:40 EST

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: Definitions of ID"

    Dear Silk

    Takes you alot of words to say, "As the twig is bent so grows the tree."
    Thinking of running for president? <G>

    Just finished my annual stint helping at a local Christmas charity. Not
    because I feel much charity but to confirm my thesis that poverty in the
    USofA is not caused by a lack of cash but in most cases because poor
    people are not mentally capable of successfully living in an industrial
    cash and credit economy.

    Out of a thousand people who knew in advance they would spend an hour
    minimum waiting in line, maybe two would bring a book to read and one
    would have a knitting or sewing project with them. The rest stand in
    line smoking factory-made cigarettes and talking on cell phones. Two
    years ago I heard a woman trying to convince her line-mates that they
    could save lots of money by rolling their own cigarettes but I don't
    think she won any converts.

    What does this have to do with evolution? Society seems to be
    self-segregating into a slave and master society. Now that marriages are
    no longer made on class, religious and political lines people are mating
    on the basis of IQ, ambition, and appearance.

    By the way, some of your communications come through in tiny print which
    JUNO is incapable of re-formatting.

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