Re: ID science (subtopic 2)

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 20:48:41 EDT

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "Re: ID science (subtopic 3)"

    I had written, as precept #2:
    >2. It is not permissible to NOT have a theory. The gap must always be

    Howard replied: "Again, I will quibble about words like "permissible" and
    "must." No
    scientist needs permission (from some ruling body) to formulate a theory or
    to refrain from formulating a theory. And no scientist is under any
    obligation (to some ruling body) to fill some explanatory gap."

    Quibble noted. I agree, of course. Trying to make the precept short makes it
    seem as if that was what I was espousing. I was not.

    " But human curiosity, especially as it is exercised by a scientist
    pondering a
    collection of observational data, is very likely to be expressed in the
    formulation of a scientific theory to give an account of that data. Why did
    system X behave as it did? How did system X come to be formed or assembled?"

    Precisely. This was the intent of my shorter statement.

    "Furthermore, as I noted in regard to your precept #1, if that theory is to
    be considered part of contemporary natural science, it will have to be be
    consistent with methodological naturalism (MN)."

    Again, we agree.

    "ID advocates are free to advocate a theory that explicitly rejects MN, but
    they should, I believe, label it with something other than the word
    "science" alone. The label "ID science" would be one candid and honest way
    to distinguish an ID theory from a normal scientific theory."

    My observation is that they don't HAVE to reject MN to advocate the ID
    premise. The intelligent agent need not be supernatural (unless one
    considers human beings to be, in some sense, supernatural).


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