Re: ID science (subtopic 2)

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 10:56:55 EDT

  • Next message: Jay Willingham: "Re: ID science (subtopic 2)"

    Howard had written:"How about MD, Mindfully Designed, or some other term
    that focuses attention of the idea that the universe exhibits a
    >character that strongly points to the prior intentional action of Mind?"

    You responded:" I think that is trouble. The problem is the word
    "designed." Where does it end? ... Besides, Christians will never be able
    to distinguish between MD and ID (Is MD less intelligent than ID.), and
    scientists aren't going to buy it at all no matter what you call it. The
    word I used in my book was "Creavolution" or just "C" if you like. There
    might be something better. Kick it around."

    Since Howard's post, I've been thinking more about it. Thanks for the added
    insight. Four comments -- then I'll reply to Howard:

    1. The word "designed" does sort of stick out. Another term ought to be

    2. Whether or not "Christians are able to discern ... ." is no doubt true,
    but too broad a statement and possible not relevant anyway.

    3. Similiar statement on "scientists."

    4. Your term "creavolution" is, in what I am thinking about, too broad.



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