Re: ID science (subtopic 2)

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 15:50:32 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "FW: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"


    Sorry I lost track of your comments re "creaturely." here's a brief

    In place of the term, ID, I had suggested

    > "How about MD, Mindfully Designed, or some other term that focuses attention
    > of the idea that the universe exhibits a character that strongly points to
    > the prior intentional action of Mind?"

    You replied:

    > I agree with Dick Fischer -- the word "design" does not seem right. Here are
    > the terms I came up with, in order of "most preferred:"
    > Creaturely developed (CD)
    > Creaturely built (CB)
    > Creaturely implemented (CI)
    > Creaturely conceived and implemented (CCI)
    > Where "creature" is any sentient member of the physical universe. Humans,
    > aliens (if any), some mammals such as dogs, etc. would be part of that set.
    > Also some entities such as birds; I don't know where to draw a line here and
    > I don't think that makes any significant difference anyway.

    1. I like the word "creaturely" as a means of distinguishing between divine
    action and the action of any member of the Creation, but not as a means of
    distinguishing between the action of sentient creatures and the action of
    insentient creatures (where I define "creature" as any member of the
    Creation, whether sentient or not).

    2. In spite of the fact that I like the word creaturely for this
    distinction, my spell checker always tells me that there is no such word.

    Howard Van Till

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