On Pi and E

From: pruest@pop.dplanet.ch
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 11:23:59 EDT

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: On Pi and E"

    "iain.strachan2" wrote:
    > Hi, Peter,
    > It is possible that the reason for your discrepancy was the iota subscript
    > on the "eta" at the end of the word ARCHEI (beginning)
    > The second word "archei" in the greek appears to end with an eta, but in
    > fact the eta has an iota subscript, which, after careful checking against
    > various Greek grammar websites, is definitely to be counted as part of the
    > word. The value of iota is 10, and hence it makes no difference to the
    > letter product (since powers of 10 are discounted in the formula). However,
    > it makes a discrepancy of 719/709 in the word product (i.e. the gematriac
    > sum of the word with and without the iota counted, which probably accounts
    > for your discrepancy. As far as I can remember, the iota subscript is
    > termed an "improper dipthong", and is definitely part of the word.
    > It would appear that the letter values you are using are correct.

    Hi, Iain,
    you are right. Adding the iota produces a relative deviation (delta e)/e
    of 10^-5.


    Dr Peter Ruest			Biochemistry
    Wagerten			Creation and evolution
    CH-3148 Lanzenhaeusern		Tel.:	++41 31 731 1055
    Switzerland			E-mail:	<pruest@dplanet.ch
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    	In biology - there's no free lunch -
    		and no information without an adequate source.
    	In Christ - there is free and limitless grace -
    		for those of a contrite heart.

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