Re: On Pi and E

Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 11:25:42 EDT

  • Next message: "Watershed (was: Finding names in values)"

    Hi Vernon,

    You make reference to Muslim numerology. Are you really suggesting that
    this bears comparison with the matters that I am attempting to bring
    forward? If so, perhaps you would be good enough to provide me with
    links to the relevant sites.

    Here is one the "proves" that the speed of light is written in
    the Quran (I'm not sure where I picked this one up from) home

    and of course, a few minutes with any search engine and a few
    key words, lots on prime numbers....

    And you can find lots of stuff that proves that the Quran
    and science agree perfectly. (Note: I'm guilty of the same
    kind of mistaken reasoning as a Christian not so many
    years ago.)

    Somehow, numbers have never moved me to faith. They're
    interesting, even fascinating. But it is the message that must
    be number one. If the message witnessed by the apostles of
    Christ's resurrection is genuine, it doesn't matter what the
    "numbers" are. It only matters what Christ is calling me to do,
    and to live out that Christian life in as much as I can.

    by Grace we proceed,

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