Re: On Pi and E

Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 20:30:33 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Ice caps and YEC"

    George Murphy wrote (on the third point),

            3) If anybody does take this message seriously,
    it's going to be very easy for them to get the idea that pi
    and e are the really deep level of scripture hidden below the
    surface details about the history of Israel & the
    church - just as in _Contact_ pi is hidden below the primes
    and Hitler and the plans for the transit device. & this would
    be disastrous theologically, for the deep meaning of scripture is
    Jesus Christ.

    I didn't see "Contact", but in fact, I would think that a piece of
    writing that contained all kinds of hidden numbers would create
    more suspicion than anything else. At least for us humans, and
    probably any other intelligent life in the universe (_if_ it exists),
    technology and chicanery are the standard operating procedures
    to bambozzle other "developing" cultures.

    In that respect, truth in a message is far more important than
    the boring things that usually impress us.

    by Grace alone we proceed,

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