Dr. Roland Hirsch

From: Bertvan@aol.com
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 11:25:51 EDT

  • Next message: FMAJ1019@aol.com: "Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI"

    >He made no mention of ID, at least not in the excerpt you passed along.
    >Surely, if he thought he had proof (or even just a strong presumption) of
    >ID, he would have said something? Here is his vision:
    >>I think that understanding function and its chemical
    >>basis offers a much more secure foundation for biology
    >I'm confident that if anyone can squeeze ID out of that, you're the man,

    Hi Ralph, you are reading more into what Dr. Hirsch said than I could. His
    message was that Darwinism is fatally flawed. (Yet, another scientist coming
    to that conclusion,)

    I've found most ID supporters more open to ideas than merely concerned with
    defending a particular theory such as ID. They don't consider Darwinism
    (chance plus natural selection) a reasonable explanation of nature's
    complexity, but if someone has something other than ID to suggest, I'm
    confident Steve, and most other ID supporters, would consider it.


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