Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI

Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 11:45:31 EDT

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    In a message dated 9/29/2000 7:40:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << Here's a puzzle for you. Every e-mail message you've
    sent me is an example of CSI. The messages are real
    physical patterns, encoded on magnetic media (although
    they might have been encoded in sand, brick, ink, God
    knows what). What natural cause accounts for these

    An interesting assertion but if I understand Richard and Wesley correctly,
    they are looking for an actual example with numbers. Furthermore they are
    looking for examples in nature of CSI. One cannot merely assert that CSI
    exists, one has to show that it does.

    An interesting "riddle" was also given by Wesley with is "algorithm room".

    "The question all this poses is whether Dembski's analytical
    processes bearing upon CSI can, in the absence of further
    information from inside the "Algorithm Room", decide whether
    the solution received was actually the work of the intelligent
    agent (and thus "actual CSI") or the product of an algorithm
    falsely claimed to be the work of the intelligent agent (and
    thus "apparent CSI")?

    If Dembski's analytical techniques cannot resolve the issue of
    possible cheating in the "Algorithm Room", how does he hope to
    resolve the issue of whether certain features of biology are
    necessarily the work of an intelligent agent or agents? If
    Dembski has no solution to this dilemma, the Design Inference
    is dead."

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