Re: Dr. Roland Hirsch

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 18:39:07 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI"


    Here is an excerpt from a speech by a Dr. Roland Hirsch in accepting a
    Distinguished Service Award from The American Chemical Society. In it
    Dr Hirsch makes the *stunning* claims that:

    1. based on molecular biological data "the Darwinian theory itself is
    fundamentally, perhaps fatally flawed. "

    2. "cellular processes are ... irreducibly complex" in that "gradual, step-by-
    step evolution of the process would not work, for none of the intermediate
    stages would be "selected" because none of the intermediate stages would
    be functional."

    3. "recent research in information theory...concludes that random mutations
    cannot create complex, biologically-specified genetic information."

    4. Natural selection has been considered by many to be the unifying
    principle of biology. But these and other flaws seriously compromise the
    theory" and it "has thus far in my opinion failed."

    Note these claims are all based on the *data* that Hirsch knows in his
    field.. Dr Hirsch is not associated with the ID movement, but hopefully he
    soon will be!

    I am becoming more confident that what we are starting to see is the
    beginning of a trickle of scientists, which will gradually build up into a flood-tide
    in repudiating the 19th century materialistic paradigm of Darwinism and
    replace it with a new 21st paradigm of intelligent design! This is shaping up to
    be a scientific revolution that will make the Copernican and Darwinian
    revolutions look like a Sunday school picnic. What an exciting time to be alive!

    I call on those evolutionists (particularly Christians) who have opposed the ID
    movement to re-evaluate their position in the light of this emerging new
    evidence and not go down with the sinking ship of scientific materialism
    out of misguided loyalty to science (as it is currently conceived). Your
    loyalty as scientists should be to the *data*, not to materialistic-naturalistic



    2000 Releases


    By Roland F. Hirsch
    August 21, 2000, Washington, D.C.


    There is no field, however, with a greater interest in cooperation with
    analytical scientists than the life sciences. Tomorrow you will hear four
    informed perspectives on this relationship, from Jim Cassatt of the
    National Institutes of Health, Isiah Warner of Louisiana State University,
    Michelle Buchanan, the new Director of the Chemical & Analytical
    Sciences Division at Oak Ridge, and Lee Makowski, who just moved from
    the National Science Foundation to the Argonne National Laboratory. I
    would like to offer my own thoughts now, with apologies that lack of time
    prevents me from discussing in depth the equally important impacts of
    analytical chemistry in the other fields I have mentioned.

    When I joined DOE in 1991 the basic concept was that gene sequence
    determines protein structure determines biological function. Since then
    sequencing of large segments of DNA has become routine, due in large
    measure to advances in analytical chemistry.

    Likewise, biophysical techniques have increased in power, making it
    possible to determine the three-dimensional structures of large numbers of
    proteins rapidly and reliably. However, the link between gene sequence or
    protein structure and biological function is now perceived as much more
    complicated than in the diagram. Regulation of the expression of proteins
    is a critical and complex subject in itself, and expressed proteins often are
    modified chemically to their actual, functional form. Further, proteins do
    not usually act in isolation, but rather in membranes or as parts of
    complexes or aggregates of small and large molecules.

    The challenge for analytical chemistry is, I believe, to enable discovery of
    the actual chemistry that underlies biological functions. The constituents
    of these systems are numerous, most often at very low concentrations, and
    must be measured on a wide range of time scales from the sub-nanosecond
    to hours and longer. Clearly progress toward meeting this challenge will
    require close collaboration between the members of our profession and life
    scientists, and I am heartened by the genuine interest in such collaboration
    on the part of many of the best in our field.

    Application to the Concept of Natural Selection

    I now wish to consider a specific intersection of analytical chemistry and
    the life sciences. Darwin's idea of formation of species through evolution
    was first published 140 years ago. There has of course been extensive
    discussion of his ideas and considerable change in how the theory is
    formulated has occurred. However, for some time the common, though not
    universal, view within science has been that the contemporary, neo-
    Darwinian version of the theory is well established.

    This situation has changed in the last decade. Two challenges have been
    enabled by advances in analytical chemistry joined with other disciplines.
    The first concerns the concept of a 'tree of life': the sequential descent of
    species from an ever-smaller number of ancestors until one goes back to
    the first living cell. This is commonly pictured using a phylogenetic
    diagram, divided into the three domains of life, bacteria, archaea, and

    Rapid, accurate sequencing of DNA has been a great accomplishment, for
    which analytical chemistry shares in the credit. While the human genome
    has received more of the headlines, the sequencing of other complete
    genomes, especially of microorganisms, is having a greater impact on
    basic biological science. The two dozen microbial genomes completed to
    date show that in each newly sequenced genome there are many potential
    genes that have no counterpart in any other sequenced genome (often as
    many as 30%). Yet there also are a significant number of genes that occur
    in selected organisms from more than one domain. An organism may have
    genes from several widely disparate sources, rather than having
    accumulated them through sequential inheritance as in the tree structure.
    One explanation is that this is due to lateral (or horizontal) gene transfers.

    This means that how the 'tree of life' looks depends on which gene is used
    to construct it. DNA sequences for a particular widely-observed gene
    could be used to construct a diagram showing a relationship among
    species, but the "tree" could look radically different if analytical data for a
    different gene were used. The suggestion of Doolittle, Martin, and others
    is that there is a "web" or "net" of life rather than a tree. Not only are there
    many horizontal crossings between domains, but there also is no single
    "common ancestor cell". As stated by Doolittle: "If, however, different
    genes give different trees, and there is no fair way to suppress this
    disagreement, then a species (or phylum) can 'belong' to many genera (or
    kingdoms) at the same time: There really can be no universal phylogenetic
    tree of organisms based on such a reduction to genes."

    That this contradicts the current version of Darwin's theory can be
    demonstrated by looking again at the diagram from Teaching about
    evolution and the nature of science, published by the National Academy of
    Sciences in 1998. The chart appears on page 38 with the caption: "The
    ability to analyze individual biological molecules has added great detail to
    biologists' understanding of the tree of life. For example, molecular
    analyses indicate that all living things fall into three domains-the Bacteria,
    Archaea, and Eucarya-related by descent from a common ancestor." This
    has been a fundamental point of Darwin's theory-stated here by its
    strongest adherents. Yet the microbial gene sequence information
    indicates it clearly is wrong, which suggests to me that the Darwinian
    theory itself is fundamentally, perhaps fatally flawed.

    A second question about the mechanism of macroevolution by natural
    selection concerns the complexity of biochemical processes that occur in
    living cells. Analytical techniques are allowing study of more and more of
    these processes in vivo, confirming that cells live through meshing of
    complex processes, each requiring precise combinations of many
    molecules. It is now understood that the many biochemical pathways in a
    cell are highly interlocked. Further, molecules typically are complexed,
    aggregated, bound to membranes and chaperoned as they move from one
    part of the cell to another and undergo chemical changes.

    Rather few cellular processes are enabled solely by the presence of a
    single gene product. Indeed, in some cases several different proteins must
    be present simultaneously, or the process does not take place at all. Such a
    process is called irreducibly complex. It does not occur at all unless every
    essential protein is present. So gradual, step-by-step evolution of the
    process would not work, for none of the intermediate stages would be
    "selected" because none of the intermediate stages would be functional. I
    should add that this point is supported by recent research in information
    theory, which concludes that random mutations cannot create complex,
    biologically-specified genetic information.

    Natural selection has been considered by many to be the unifying principle
    of biology. But these and other flaws seriously compromise the theory.
    Explaining biology by trying to identify origins using the potentially
    hundreds of different trees of life or using the uncertain and unprovable
    mechanisms of change in the distant past has thus far in my opinion failed.
    No doubt some useful scientific information may result from such studies.
    However, I think that understanding function and its chemical basis offers
    a much more secure foundation for biology, and will be far more
    productive than the backward-looking Darwinian approach.

    After all, it is understanding of function-and of the sources of
    malfunctions-that will lead to advances in medicine and the other fields
    that are dependent on biology for progress. Knowledge of the range of
    chemistry that enables a given function will be fundamental for this
    purpose. Analytical techniques will provide much of the essential
    information about the functional components and their dynamics in living
    systems. As I pointed out earlier, the chemical complexity of biological
    processes is great. It will require much innovation on the part of analytical
    chemists to fully characterize these processes in vivo. Sensing and
    imaging techniques combining far greater speed, selectivity, spatial
    resolution and sensitivity than currently available ones will be needed. The
    magnitude of this challenge makes me confident that the analytical
    sciences will be at the very center of the biology of the future.


    "After Watson and Crick, we know that genes themselves, within their
    minute internal structure, are long strings of pure digital information. What
    is more, they are truly digital, in the full and strong sense of computers and
    compact disks, not in the weak sense of the nervous system. The genetic
    code is not a binary code as in computers, nor an eight-level code as in
    some telephone systems, but a quaternary code, with four symbols. The
    machine code of the genes is uncannily computerlike. Apart from
    differences in jargon, the pages of a molecular-biology journal might be
    interchanged with those of a computerengineering journal." (Dawkins R.,
    "River out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life," Phoenix: London, 1996,
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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