Re: Dr. Roland Hirsch

Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 13:00:23 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Dr. Roland Hirsch"

    In a message dated 9/29/2000 8:27:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    >He made no mention of ID, at least not in the excerpt you passed along.
    >Surely, if he thought he had proof (or even just a strong presumption) of
    >ID, he would have said something? Here is his vision:
    >>I think that understanding function and its chemical
    >>basis offers a much more secure foundation for biology
    >I'm confident that if anyone can squeeze ID out of that, you're the man,

    Hi Ralph, you are reading more into what Dr. Hirsch said than I could. His
    message was that Darwinism is fatally flawed. (Yet, another scientist coming
    to that conclusion,)

    Imagine that. Did he reach this conclusion based on scientific evidence? His
    claims are based on the same errors IC proponents have made namely that IC
    systems cannot arise naturally.

    Also his comments about

    "recent research in information theory...concludes that random mutations
    cannot create complex, biologically-specified genetic information."

    Are shown to be unsupported by fact and even contradicted by fact.


    Evolution of biological complexity

    Christoph Adami*,, Charles Ofria,¤, and Travis C. Collier¦

    * Kellogg Radiation Laboratory 106-38 and Beckman Institute 139-74,
    Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; and ¦ Division of Organismic
    Biology, Ecology, and
    Evolution, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095

    << I've found most ID supporters more open to ideas than merely concerned
    defending a particular theory such as ID. They don't consider Darwinism

    We disagree.

    (<< chance plus natural selection) a reasonable explanation of nature's
    complexity, but if someone has something other than ID to suggest, I'm
    confident Steve, and most other ID supporters, would consider it.

    They conclude based on what they consider failure of Darwinism, that
    intelligence is required. As Wesley has shown not only are reliable filters
    to detect ID lacking but ID cannot even eliminate natural selection as the
    intelligent designer.

    I am sure that ID'ers will embrace HJirsch's comments but will they embrace
    his hypotheses?

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