From: Bertvan@aol.com
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 12:28:29 EDT

  • Next message: FMAJ1019@aol.com: "Re: Dr. Roland Hirsch"

    >You seem to assume that "rational, intelligent choices" are invariably
    >better than a chance event. Yes, people usually do have "what they
    >consider intelligent reasons" for their actions--including panic stock
    >runs on banks and paying 7-foot basketball players millions of dollars.

    Hi Ralph, I can't believe you want to argue that chance is a better basis for
    decisions than intelligence. In any case, I am merely suggesting that,
    overall, intelligence would be more likely to produce rational, complex
    organisms than chance.

    >That symbiotic relationship that benefits only one of the organisms
    >is often described as "parasitic" and it's frequently to the detriment of
    >the other organism. But I'll bet the ID knew that, too.

    I'm merely suggesting symbiosis is not a chance event. Motivation is

    >Yet if you go in and scramble some of a gene's DNA, that DNA will go right
    >ahead and follow its scrambled code, regardless of the eventual result to
    >the organism. Is this a sign of intelligence?

    Are you asking whether scrambled intelligence is still intelligence?

    >>These are not live organisms. For an understanding of how multicelled
    >>organisms came into existence, we might study the slime mold. It can be
    >>individual organisms pursuing their own interests or it can combine to
    >>the interest of the whole. Can you declare with certainty no intelligence
    >>required to know when to do each? If the parts are "forced" into such
    >>cooperative behavior, what forces them? I don't think we know enough about
    >>the process to say anything -- unless we already have a philosophical
    >>prejudice against the existence of intelligence.

    >Or *for* it. :) Bertvan, if you need "certainty" before you'll accept a
    >explanation, science is going to be frustrating for you.

    The Darwinists are the ones who claim to know for certain that intelligence/
    mind/motivation/free will/Teleology play no important part in natures
    processes. As a result they have ended up with a theory that most people
    don't find credible, but no one can think of an alternative. Nevertheless,
    for some reason they feel compelled to impose this theory upon society as

    >I thought it was part of your definition of "materialist" that they consider
    >all things to be part of the material world? In that case, how could a
    >materialist justify calling anything "supernatural"?

    You'll have to ask a materialist. In the case of free will, I think they
    insist it is an illusion.


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