fine tuning

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 07:29:03 EDT

  • Next message: Alexanian, Moorad: "RE: ID science (subtopic 2)"

    BlankJust an example that you may already have:

    From Krauss, Atom The time it took the universe to cool enough to allow
    deuterium to form was about 200 seconds. The average lifetime of a free
    neutron is 600 seconds. If the binding of protons and neutrons had been much
    different, helium would not have been formed.

    Calculating out rations for this process, the helium to hydrogen ratio
    should be about 24%. It has been calculated by other means to be 24-28%.

    Debbie Mann, PE
    Debbie Mann Consulting


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