
From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 12:03:37 EST

  • Next message: John W. Burgeson: "Missing?"

    Dave wrote:

    "The problem that you and Burgy have, as I see it, is the common problem
    of human beings. We are so totally creatures of time that we cannot
    imagine that time is not also applicable to God. We have to recognize
    that the before and after of all our experience does not apply to his.
    Even our eternity is temporal, the ages of ages. His eternity, though we
    use the same word, is non-temporal."

    Good point, Dave. Which is why I do not really disagree with your use of
    the book FLATLAND to support your case. As someone once said, "we have to
    use words to communicate, but sometimes words are inadequate." This
    appears to me to be the case with this subject.

    "Just a word for Burgy: if he expects to surprise God, he's going to have
    to get up before the Lord does."

    Not sure what you mean here. Let me try.

    Suppose that tomorrow I decide (free will) that I want to emulate Charles
    Manson. I begin (until I am caught; hopefully very soon) to do so. Would
    that not surprise God? Did he "see it coming?"

    I don't know.

    Would my salvation be revoked?

    I don't know.

    What I DO KNOW is that, free will or not, I could not do such a thing.
    Did I lose part of my free will then?


    I can live with that.


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