RE: Surprise

From: Joel Z Bandstra (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 18:13:57 EST

  • Next message: Brian D Harper: "Re: Surprise"

    With regard to God's knowledge of the future, in support of the claim that
    God is independent of time:

    Let us suppose that God knows what happens to me, when it happens to me as
    defined by a clock attached to me. Let us also suppose that the same holds
    for my sister who is on the other side of the United States. If this is
    so, does it not imply that God knows, what is to me, the future? That is,
    if God can observe 2 space-like events at the same time then isn't God
    independent of time?

    If God is not independent of time, can he be independent of space? In
    other words, can one say that God has a volume?

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