Views of Creation Origins Evidence Origins Education |
![]() Origins EducationIntroduction Public
Schools Christian
Education |
Education, Theology, and Science: An effective approach
to Origins Education depends
on building a foundation of understanding about theology (this is
the focus in Views of Creation)
and science (this is mainly in Origins Evidence)
in the other two areas you see above.
A Goal — Accurate
Understanding with Respectful Attitudes
achieve accurate understanding in origins education, we need accurate
information about a wide range
of viewpoints. But in reality there is often imbalance, and only
one view (*) is presented in strong
form. When this happens it
leads to incomplete, inaccurate understanding. {* Which
single view is presented? This varies, depending on the teacher
and educational context. }
By contrast, a well balanced
education is based on accurate information from all major viewpoints, as
described in Views of Creation: "During
a Monday debate, our teacher convinced us that ‘his side of the issue’ was
correct, but on Tuesday he made the other side look just as good," thereby
letting us learn that "if we wanted to get an
accurate understanding... we should get the best information and arguments
that all sides of an issue can claim as support. When we did this
and we understood more accurately, we usually recognized that even when
we have valid reasons for preferring one position, people on other sides
of an issue may also have good reasons for believing as they do, so we
learned respectful attitudes."
In most websites you'll get
either Monday or Tuesday but not the other, and nothing more. Instead,
our "multiple positions" website will give you both Monday
and Tuesday, plus Wednesday and more. Our goal is to provide accurate
information and arguments from a wide range of perspectives. Although
the result won't be perceived as NEUTRAL by everyone, we will try to
be FAIR, by providing an opportunity for representatives of different
perspectives to clearly express their own views and criticize other views.
A Religious Perspective
ASA is a Christian organization, and our perspectives — on
faith, science, and their interactions — can be useful for public school
teachers who want to minimize controversy (about their treatment of religion)
while still providing educational information for their students, or for teachers
in a private school or home school.
A teacher (in K-12 or college, in a public or private school)
to use
perspective could:
• use the website to develop a better understanding
of complex issues, then decide how to use this knowledge for teaching,
• tell students about the website
and say "here is something you may (or may not) want to explore on your
own," or
• find appropriate web-pages that fulfill a specific
educational function, and assign these for students to
Teaching Science in a Climate of ControversyWhen you are helping students learn about origins questions — how old is the universe (did it begin billions of years ago in a rapid ‘big bang’ expansion) and what can we learn from the fossil record, how did the first life arise, and did complex life (including humans) evolve from simple life? — do you feel like you're walking a tightrope? Do you feel external pressures to teach unconventional theories (like young-earth creationism) or avoid questioning conventional theories (like neo-Darwinism), or both? Do you feel internal tensions between your compassion (for students with personally meaningful beliefs about origins) and your responsibility (to teach with scientific integrity, to accurately teach the scientific evidence-and-logic that might affect these beliefs)?In 1986, we (in the American Scientific Affiliation) published a booklet about origins education, and we called it Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy because "a climate of controversy" is what you often feel. We also feel this, in our empathy for embattled teachers, and we want to help. We know that, as a busy teacher, your time is limited, so our website offers a "Cliffs Notes" condensation of important ideas, so you can learn quickly. But you'll also have many opportunities for exploration, to gain a wider, deeper understanding. |
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Real-Life Drama about People and
Their Ideas
Fictional stories that illustrate real-life drama
are scattered throughout an Introductory
FAQ and are collected together in another
page. Here
are excerpts, with
introductions and the beginnings of five stories:
In this FAQ you'll see the raw material
for exciting real-life drama of people and their ideas. The
drama is produced by encounters between people with contrasting ideas. Too
often, unfortunately, each of the differing ideas is held with a confident
passion by individuals
and groups who
as if they
with other
views are enemies who must be fought and conquered. But the ideas do
have important implications and applications, especially in education. .....
You can get a feeling for what often happens in real life
by using your imagination to visualize the ideas and feelings in five common
situations where we see dramatic conflict. ... These stories illustrate
conflicts — internal and external, within people and between people — that
commonly occur. Imagine that:
• your pastor confidently declares that "the
Bible says the earth is young, so you should believe it." But your
teacher for Sunday School explains why..., and you have questions.
• you are a flexible agnostic,
uncertain about God but willing to search for truth. You hear Richard
Dawkins declare that... But
another respected scientist explains why...
The questions in Sections 1-7 often produce uncertainties
and conflicts within a person. But when we make decisions about education,
internal personal questions can become external interpersonal tensions,
and conflicts become visible and vocal. ... Imagine that:
• you are a public school teacher who is wondering
what to teach about origins: ... If you think "maybe..." will
you get in trouble
with...? But if you don't,... What is the best way to survive and
the current climate
of controversy?
• you're a science teacher
in a private Christian school, and last year several parents didn't like what
you said about the "when and how" of creation, and they removed their
children from your school ...
• you are the friend
of a student who is a Christian, who has been taught by her parents
(and by her pastor, and...) that... How do you think she will
respond — and what will happen with her interest in science,
her views about creation, and the quality of her faith — in each
of these five situations: ...
Origins Education in Different Contexts
An educational
question — how
should theories about "origins questions" be taught? — will
be examined in three contexts: in public schools, Christian education
(in church,
and home), and informal education.
This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it, and a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page. Both keep everything inside this window, so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were. |
You can explore these pages
in the area of Origins Questions: |
CREATION Questions and Views Age of the Universe Methods of Creation Two Books of God |
ORIGINS EVIDENCE Design of the Universe Age of the Universe Evaluation of Evolution Design in Science |
ORIGINS EDUCATION Public School Education Christian Education (in church, school, home) Informal Education |
This home-page for Origins Education, written by Craig Rusbult,