This FAQ — about creation, evolution, and intelligent design (about their science, philosophy, theology) — is written by Craig Rusbult. Although I'm editor for this part of ASA's website (to describe Whole-Person Education and try to help us improve it), this FAQ is written by me as an author expressing my own views, not as an editor trying to express the views of ASA, the American Scientific Affiliation. This is Craig's FAQ (written by one member of ASA), it's not The ASA FAQ. It's written for ASA (for my part of the ASA Website) but does not claim to speak for ASA.
Within ASA there is a wide range of views. Although our members agree about the essentials of creation, there is a diversity of views about the details of creation. Most of us agree about most questions, especially those that are most important, but there are disagreements about some questions that are less important. / I.O.U. – In the future we'll add other FAQs, written by other ASA members. Currently this page ends with perspectives on creation by ASA and by some of its many members.
My FAQ has three levels of detail:
A — a short “read me first” Introductory FAQ begins with an outline of the FAQ's educational philosophy (re: real-life drama, understanding & attitudes, and multiple perspectives), followed by illustrative stories (about the drama) and summaries of the main ideas in 8 sets of Frequently Asked Questions.
B — a medium-sized Overview-FAQ (Main FAQ) that's my favorite because, of the 3 versions (short medium long), I think it's the best balancing of brief & thorough. But the Introductory FAQ might be a good place to begin because it's shorter, is a good “read me first” choice. In all three versions, Section 5G responds to an important question, “What is an appropriate humility about creation?”
C — 8 Full-Length FAQ's, one for each of my 8 Questions. {a link to each Full-Length FAQ is at the end of each FA Question in my Overview-FAQ, where the links below take you}
In these FAQ's, what are the Frequently Asked Questions? |
1 – Views of Creation and "When
we disagree..."
![]() |
5 – What can a Christian believe
about evolution?
a disclaimer: As explained earlier, views in my FAQs don't necessarily represent views of the American Scientific Affiliation. |
ASA's general perspectives about Views of Creation (creation, evolution, and intelligent design) are summarized in a General Statement on Creation and ASA's Creation-Views & Actions; articles from the ASA journal, selected and introduced by Jack Haas, are in Topics Pages about Creation & Evolution plus The Origin of Life, Astronomy & Cosmology, Bible & Science, and more. ASA Members also express their views in websites and in other ways. For example, a central feature of Biologos (begun by Francis Collins, with Deborah Haarsma as current president) is 31 questions-with-responses about science and faith; Deborah Haarsma & Loren Haarsma have written an excellent book about creation, design, and evolution with an associated web-FAQ asking "But what about...?"; most authors in Perspectives on an Evolving Creation (and its editor, Keith Miller) are members of ASA. |
This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS: an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it, and a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page. Both keep everything inside this window, so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were. |