WWYD - What Would You Do to make evolution work??

From: Bertvan@aol.com
Date: Sat Sep 09 2000 - 18:05:10 EDT

  • Next message: billwald@juno.com: "Re: WWYD - What Would You Do to make evolution work??"

    Hi Chris;
    I prefer to leave the question of whether or not life evolved naturally in
    the same category as the nature of the designer or what caused the big bang.
    Could be, but hoping doesn't make it true.
    As to how to implement evolution, I wouldn't change a thing. Some might
    think speeding up the process might improve it. However, I can think of no
    reason why fast should be better than slow. As far as we know the only
    purpose of life is to do what it obviously does - grow. (as individuals and
    as biospheres)

    Some people have criticized God for his numerous "imperfections". We've
    discovered astonishing designs in nature, but the first sign of perfection
    would have stopped evolution in its tracks. (no room for growth.) It had to
    be a plan that continually moves toward perfection without actually reaching
    it. Death and extinction were also necessary additions to allow growth.

    A few other things had to be added that hadn't existed before. Adding some
    measure of intelligence to life probably wasn't enough to make it grow.
    Motivation was needed for the system to do its own growing. Choice, free
    will, spontaneity, creativity, consciousness and emotions were probably all
    necessary new ingredients. They seem to distinguish life from non life.
    (You'll never find any of them in a computer.)


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