Re: Experts Worry

Susan B (
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 20:21:43 -0500 (CDT)

>>I want to see some of your evidence against [natural selection of
beneficial >>mutations].. Mind posting some of it to the list?

>>Until you come up with some evidence to support
>>your opinion it is hot air.

>Reasons for doubting macroevolution is merely an accumulation of micro
>evolution has been presented many times.

but not by you. What tidbits of evidence do *you* especially find persuasive?

>Denton, Behe, Berlinski, Dembski,
>Johnson, Hoyle, Wickramasinge, Kauffman and Spetner

Denton, as I recall is trying to reinvent Platonism. Behe does not support
your position. Berlinski and Johnson, I was under the impression that they
are apologists, rhetoriticians. As far as I know they don't base their
remarks on data, but on ideology. Spetner's ideas are currently being
sliced and diced here on the list. Wickramasinge and Kauffman I've never
heard of. What evidence did they contribute that impressed you personally?

>are just a few, and I'm
>sure there will be more. I certainly have nothing original to add, and see no
>reason to repeat their material.

I'm not a scientist. I'm a science *buff*. I have nothing original to add,
that's not the point. I have an opinion that is supported by a very large
supply of facts. Your opinion doesn't seem to have any underpinnings at all.
I was hoping to get an idea of what evidence you based your opinion on.

>You interpret their evidence differently than they do.

I have seen them bring rhetoric, but not evidence. What evidence did you
have in mind? and please interpret the photograph (in the URL I sent) of
hominid skulls arranged by age as *they* would interpret it. I want to know
why those creatures can't be related.

>It is also your priviledge to call anything
>with which you disagree "hot air". Not very classy, but your priviledge.

Oh, I didn't say that. There are lots of things with which I disagree and
which I personally dislike that have some grounding in actual fact (e.g.
imprisoning a huge number of young men, specifically men of color seems to
be reducing the crime rate). Those opinions aren't hot air, I don't like
them much, and would dearly love to see them refuted (I think
overincarceration will eventually increase the crime rate and the current
lower crime rate has to do with the booming economy. Heck, I could be wrong.
The other side does have some hard data.). Nope, the "hot air" type opinions
are those which have no data to support them.

Peace is not the absence of conflict--it is the presence of justice.
--Martin Luther King, Jr.
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