RE: Johnson as Expert (was Experts Worry...)

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 21:55:38 -0700

At 05:55 PM 09/21/1999 -0500, John wrote:
>Johnson does attack naturalism, but we both are familiar with his eloquent
>but obfuscatory terminology of "theistic naturalism", which is clever but
>willfully confusing if used in a serious discussion. Suppose a key point in
>a discussion I was pushing was that all my evolutionary creationist
>opponents were "Christian atheists" -- would that count either as speaking
>the truth or speaking in love? Yet this is very, very analogous to what
>Johnson is saying.


Thank you for your cogent analysis, much more respectful than I am capable
of, and with which I heartily agree.