Re: 90%
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:12:56 -0500

>hmmmm. . . and England has an official state religion. Perhaps we've been
>going about it all wrong!!!

I am from England and I live in the States (for a year now), and am surprised at
the extent to which religion here, especially Christianity, pervades everyday
life, be it on the radio, tv, walking round the streets on a Sunday, bookstores
in the strip malls, door to door evangelism and just people you talk to from day
to day.

Back home there is a substantial and growing skepticism about religion in
general, especially amongst the under 35's (i.e. me!). It is more unusual these
days to find a believer than not, in fact, believers are often considered a bit
"odd". I am sure the old links between the state and religion, like the
Monarchy, will die out soon, gradually replaced by a more liberal attitude,
tolerant of all beliefs (or lack of). I can't see that happening in the States
though, rather the opposite, a majority trying to impose their beliefs on the

You are fooling yourselves if you think that the answer to this country's
problems is more religion. Do you think that the most religious countries in the
world have the least repressive regimes and the lowest crime rates? (Obviously
no correlation but then it demonstrates what a state controlled religion *can't*