
Hapi Daiz (HapiDaiz@webtv.net)
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 08:26:29 -0700 (MST)

SJ>The main point is that 90% of the public
>continue to reject Darwinism and its
>materialistic-naturalistic philosophy, despite
>decades of compulsory indoctrination in schools
>and the media. The only reason the 10% of
>Darwinists have managed to stay in "power" is
>because of the fragmentation of the 90% of theists
>along sectarian lines (eg. "old-Earth",
>"young-Earth", "God-guided evolutionists") etc. If
>the ID movement can weld these disparate groups
>into a coherent whole, then it should be expected
>that ID will continue to grow in power and

I've seen this reference to 90% before -- where does that figure come
from? Who was polled? Who did the poll? In my experience, based on
the people I know (even here in Arizona) that figure is pretty

Considering the closed-mindedness of fundamental creationists on any
subject they have already made up their mind about, the ID movement will
have a very uphill battle trying to "weld these disparate groups into a
coherent whole".
