Re: Scientists get exploding beetle in their sights
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 10:13:45 -0500


>Was this meant to be a private message? That is how it came to me.

No, it was meant to go to the group. I guess it has gone there now!

>SJ>My proposal is that we *both* put forward our respective arguments
>>step-by-step in tandem. I have given Darren some of my "side of
>>the argument", and asked Darren to clarify aspects of his.
>>When Darren has responded to my requests for clarification of his
>>"side of the argument" (indeed when Darren has actually stated
>>what *is* his "side of the argument"), then I will put forward more of
>>my "side of the argument"!

>DC>Yes, but I asked first.

>Well, I've answered you!

(All together now..) Oh no you didn't!

>DC>I don't have a theory or an argument of my own.

>I find that hard to believe. *Everybody* has a theory of their own.

Why should I have one? Can't I just say "I don't know" for now?

>DC>I have heard the Darwinists/evolutionists side. I just want to hear
>>yours (for information purposes only, you understand).

>Well, just hang around on the Reflector and you will hear my side. You can
>interact with it then.

OK, I will wait. However, I have been here for a while now and as you hadn't
said anything about your side I thought I would try a more direct approach. I
will remind you again in a month or so if I don't see anything. :-)

>DC>If it helps you at all, imagine I am a judge in a court case, I am a
>>disinterested observer. You are on the side of the prosecution and the
>>Darwinists/evolutionists are on the side of the defence (or the other way
>>round, I don't mind). I have heard the case for the defence. Present your
>>case to me and then I will make my decision (although not necessarily to

>Sorry, but I don't accept your terms.

But they don't get much easier than that! If I said to, for example, a Darwinist
on this list "present me your case", what are the chances I would get a reply?
(Assuming she/he had time). Even if they thought I might disagree I bet I'd get
a reply. Do you *really* want me to find out by asking now?

>Anyway, I simply haven't got the time to present my case privately to
>any individual who demands it. Especially when such an individual
>claims that he doesn't have "a theory or an argument of" his "own".


I am sure that I am not the only person who would be interested in your version
of events. If anyone else out there would like to hear it then I am sure a quick
show of hands would persuade you what level of interest there is.

By the way, not having an argument of my own should not deter you. My teachers
at school were quite willing to give me their views without demanding mine. If
you can't imagine me as a judge then imagine me as your student.

Anyway, your insistence leads me to believe that instead of giving me your
argument you would prefer to pick holes in any I may present, which is
understandable, it is so much easier and can even be made to look like a proper
argument to the untrained eye.

Yours in anticipation,
