Re: 90%

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:39:02 -0700

At 08:26 AM 09/07/1999 -0700, Kendra wrote:

> I've seen this reference to 90% before -- where does that figure come
>from? Who was polled? Who did the poll? In my experience, based on
>the people I know (even here in Arizona) that figure is pretty
> Considering the closed-mindedness of fundamental creationists on any
>subject they have already made up their mind about, the ID movement will
>have a very uphill battle trying to "weld these disparate groups into a
>coherent whole".
The polls have for decades come up with the same kind of figures: 45 % hold
to a literal 6 day creation a few thousand years ago. Another 40% believe
God did it, but either dont care or know how or when, or just think it was
done by some form of theistic evolution. 9-10% believe origins did not
involve God.