Re: NS and intelligent designers

From: Wesley R. Elsberry (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 03:45:04 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: The Future for ID"

    Nucacids wrote:

    WRE> My comment that by Dembski's
    WRE> criteria, NS could be held to be an intelligent designer was
    WRE> meant to convey to the reader the concept that Dembski's
    WRE> argument was flawed, not that NS actually therefore *was* an
    WRE> intelligent designer. The
    WRE> actualization-exclusion-specification triad that Dembski
    WRE> extols is not exclusive of natural selection.
    NA>Which is probably not a problem when dealing with
    NA>the origin of the first cells on this planet.

    So? There are plenty of claims made by ID proponents where
    it *is* a problem.

    I'm reminded of the joke told about the Scottish lawyer tasked
    with defending a man accused of murder. He faces the jury in
    the opening argument and says, "The prosecution says that they
    will produce three witnesses who will say thae saw my client
    kill the victim. Well, I will produce THIRTY witnesses who
    will testify that they dinna see him do it!"


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