NS and intelligent designers

From: Wesley R. Elsberry (welsberr@inia.cls.org)
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 03:29:04 EDT

  • Next message: Nucacids@aol.com: "Re: Reply to CCogan: Waste and computer evolution"

    DNAunion asks:


    DU>That sounds like an oxymoron to me. If you have any kind of
    DU>intelligence and design involved in the selection process,
    DU>then it is not NATURAL selection, be definition. What am I


    DNAunion is precisely right in saying that NS is not an
    intelligent designer. However, NS has exactly the same
    characteristics that Dembski claimed uniquely identified
    intelligent designers in TDI. My comment that by Dembski's
    criteria, NS could be held to be an intelligent designer was
    meant to convey to the reader the concept that Dembski's
    argument was flawed, not that NS actually therefore *was* an
    intelligent designer. The
    actualization-exclusion-specification triad that Dembski
    extols is not exclusive of natural selection.

    I hope that clears things up.


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