Re: The "Apparent" Trap

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 20:12:08 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Re: hugh ross"


    I gather from your posting of 23 Sep that you have a low view of
    theists, and of Christians in particular; apparently, we have lost
    'cognitive contact with reality', and exhibit a 'willingness to abandon

    It was the late Carl Sagan - creator-host of the television series
    'Cosmos' - who famously declared, "...we will follow the truth, no
    matter where it leads!" What could be more reasonable? So, setting aside
    those inner convictions (which are the basis of 'faith') and focusing
    only on the empirical evidences we find around us, what, in particular,
    do we find to be relevant and, undoubtedly, true?

    Some years ago, I had a paper published in a reputable journal - its
    title, 'The Ultimate Assertion: Evidence of Supernatural Design in the
    Divine Prologue' (CEN Tech.J.,vol.7(2), 1993, pp184-196). Here is a
    summary of its content: "Some alternative views of Genesis 1:1 that
    explain why this first verse of the Hebrew Scriptures must be regarded
    as the most remarkable combination of words ever written."

    Since its publication, no one has come forward to challenge the facts
    presented, and the body of supporting evidence has now grown to such
    proportions that it can be fairly claimed that the numerical structure
    associated with these opening words represents a 'standing miracle'!

    Chris, I am wondering whether you would be prepared to undertake the
    task of assessing this evidence? I will gladly send you (and whoever
    else may be interested!) a copy of the original paper, at no cost (just
    provide me with your postal address privately.)



    Vernon Jenkins MSc
    [musician, mining engineer, and formerly Senior Lecturer in Maths and
    Computing, the Polytechnic of Wales (now the University of Glamorgan)]

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