Re: Blood clotting and IC'ness?

Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 00:00:32 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: URL problems and CSI"

    In a message dated 9/18/2000 9:42:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << FMA:
    Such forms of intelligent design happen all the time but
    that's not the kind that interests the ID movement.

    Of course it does. It is intelligent agency.

    That humans can use nature to design is intelligent agency? I thought that
    ID wanted to explain the nature part not the obviousness of design?

    That there is a
    resemblance is irrelevant, the design inference has to show rather than
    assert that it was designed and that the designer was not natural forces.

    It's not a resemblance, it is the actual system, the function and the parts.
    We can observe intelligent agency producing these systems, we cannot observe
    natural forces producing them.


    Actually we did not see and have never seen intelligent agency create these
    systems. We have seen
    intelligent agency mimicking nature to adapt such systems.
    That you said, We cannot observe natural forces produce them is something
    that seems contradicted
    by the evidence, unless you argue that each flagellum is built by a designer
    and incorporated in the
    Unless you can do this we see how natural forces can produce exactly these
    PErhaps you would like to rethink your argument?

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