Re: Blood clotting and IC'ness?

Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 13:08:55 EDT

  • Next message: "But is it science?"

    In a message dated 9/13/2000 3:15:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    << .Huxter.
    > seems to me that without being able to document the history of a
    >proposedly IC structure/pathway, declaring it IC and thus designed is a
    >proclamation of ignorance.
     It seems to me a proclamation of ignorance would be an improvement over
     declaring it was designed by "random mutation and natural selection" without
     being able to suggest how that might have been accomplished.
     Bertvan >>

    I guess you just don't see what I'm getting at. Who claimed RM&NS 'designed'
    anything? The only people that seem to think RM&NS are all evolution has is
    anti-evolutionists. There is, afterall, evidence for selection and drift.
    Would you like to see some, or would you just reject/ignore it?

    So back to the point that you couldn't grasp -

    ID advocates are making ignorance-based proclamations when they invoke some
    sort of probability BS because they do not know the history of what they are
    determining the probability of. By taking an extant protein/gene and
    declaring design because this extant protein/gene could not have arisen as-is
    by 'random chance' (they have the math to prove it, afterall) they are
    forgetting that they are ignorant of the protein/gene's history, and so are
    simply making proclamations of ignorance. Maybe I stated it incorrectly, but
    declaring something to have been designed based on some statistical gibberish
    cries of ignorance - at least to those that see the baselessness of the

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