RE: Definitions of ID

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 12:56:11 EDT

  • Next message: Cliff Hamrick: "To Calvin Webmaster"

    ><< I am here to discuss as well and you mentioned "ad hominem". I asserted
    >it was not an ad hominem and asked you why you thought it was an ad hominem?
    >In my post I discussed exactly why it was an ad hominem. Susan seemed to
    >agree and turned the attention back to the evidence for design. Susan's
    >statement was:
    > >>
    >Did Susan state that she agreed with your inference or is this just a hunch?
    >She replied by asking me about what I consider designed and what I
    >considered "natural". Thus she returned to the main point. I took that as an
    >agreement that she was being "ad hominim"

    I think I ignored it. An ad hominem statement would have been "Their
    arguments are useless because they are bankrolled by the Discovery
    Institute." I think it has been abundantly proved that ID has no
    scientific merit. I was discussing the motives behind advocating a
    scientifically discredited idea. Your statement about ad hominem was a non



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