RE: Blood clotting and IC'ness?

From: Nelson Alonso (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 12:59:00 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "RE: Definitions of ID"

    > Nelson:
    > An irreducibly complex systems can only be built simultaneously. Thus
    > physical precursors are eliminated as the designer. It can not be built
    > gradually , step by step.

    So, ID (which, presumably, is implied by the presence of IC) is not really
    about "design" but about the manner in which something is "built" or

    Well one of the ways design is evident is in how something is built or
    assembled. If I see a group of rocks that form a sequence specific pattern
    which says "Welcome to the Rockies" I eliminate natural pathways and make a
    design inference. But what I was talking about above was how Irreducibly
    Complex systems eliminate natural processes as a cause and offers
    intelligent design as a plausible alternative.

    I take it that you agree, then, that ID Theory (as it is promoted by
    Johnson, Behe, Dembski, et al) would be more accurately named NONA Theory
    (non-natural assembly theory)?

    Why would I?

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