RE: Definitions of ID

From: Nelson Alonso (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 12:14:14 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: An Evaluation of Ten Recent Biology Textbooks"

    << I am here to discuss as well and you mentioned "ad hominem". I asserted
    it was not an ad hominem and asked you why you thought it was an ad hominem?

    In my post I discussed exactly why it was an ad hominem. Susan seemed to
    agree and turned the attention back to the evidence for design. Susan's
    statement was:
    Did Susan state that she agreed with your inference or is this just a hunch?

    She replied by asking me about what I consider designed and what I
    considered "natural". Thus she returned to the main point. I took that as an
    agreement that she was being "ad hominim"

    I do not think that you discussed why it was an ad hominem.

    Why not?

    If you can do that, you can get around the major legal roadblock to having
    Christian dogma taught in public schools--in science class, no less.

    That is a clear cut unsubstantiated assertion.


    is one of the major objectives of the Discovery Institute which, at least
    in part, bankrolls Behe, Dembski and Johnson.

    Is it an ad hominem to claim that it is a major objective of the Discovery

    Yes. It does not address the evidence for intelligent design or it's
    concepts. It has absolutely nothing to do with the irreducible complexity of
    the flagellum.

    Is it an ad hominem to claim that Behe et al are fellows at this institute
    and are likely receiving funding for their research?
    What is exactly the ad hominem.

    What does that have to do with the irreducible complexity of the flagellum?

    << "This
    is one of the major objectives of the Discovery Institute which, at least
    in part, bankrolls Behe, Dembski and Johnson."

    Now this is unsubstantiated assertion. Not only that but it has absolutely
    nothing to do with Behe's thesis of irreducible complexity among molecular
    machines. Thus it is an ad hominim attack on Intelligent Design theory.

    Why? How can you attack a theory with an ad hominem. Note that we were not
    discussing Behe's thesis of IC-ness.

    Yes we were. We were discussing intelligent agency and IC. Read the post.

    << FMA:
    I raised
    quite a few important issues in the posting you responded to but you only
    included a minor side discussion on whether or not Susan's comments were ad

    You didn't raise any issues, your entire post was simply "no it's not", "yes
    it is". That is called "handwaving".

    I told you before, you seem to have a problem reading. My arguments went
    beyond "no they are not" and provided my reasons.

    No, they were simple handwaves. For example, your statement:
    "Now that it has been shown that IC have a evolutionary pathway, do you
    still think that ID is useful" (paraphrase). You say this without providing
    any reasons at all.

    << FMA:
    There is a far more interesting issue: Can ID exclude natural designers. My
    argument is that it cannot based on its claims that it does not identify

    Your argument is a strawman. As my Dawkin's quote illustrated, irreducible
    complexity fits the definition of a system that is devoid of functional

    Your Dawkins quote does not show this. Dawkins addresses a direct path but
    Behe admits himself, indirect paths exists and indeed those are paths that
    evolution far more likely is to follow.

    No, it is indirect paths that try to make the system "functional" at least
    in part in order to arrive at the IC system. Indirect paths are exactly what
    Dawkins , and even Darwin , wanted to stray away from since it invokes pure

     Behe dismisses these paths as
    unlikely but provides no supporting evidence.
    You seem to be using a strawman as well though. Dawkins argument merely
    addresses a direct path. It does not address if by identifying design one
    exclude a natural designer. Of course one cannot since ID is so proud to
    claim that it does not do this. What ID'ers thought to be the strong point
    their thesis now has become their achilles heel.

    See what I mean? Why no details? Why not give an example? It does, Dawkins
    thinks that the "blind watchmaker" mechanism is what makes these systems.
    Thus if a system is actually an "abrupt precipice" or a discontinuity, then
    we have successfully eliminated the "blind watchmaker" as the designer.

    << FMA:
    Combine this with the fact that we know that natural pathways
    leading to IC systems exist and the absence of independent evidence of a
    designer biological system and we have 'stumbled' on some very big problems
    for ID.

    Again, which natural pathways have led to which IC systems? The pathways you
    have shown amount to speculation and error in analysis.

    Unfounded assertions to the latter.

    Another handwave.

    As far as the former: Since Behe claims
    that no evolutionary pathway can exist, it is sufficient to show in rebuttal
    that such pathways COULD exist.

    Nope. Science requires evidence. If you propose that it evolved, you have
    support your proposal showing how it can be falsified, make predictions,

     Even Behe admits that such pathways could
    exist. So now the thesis "Natural selection could not create IC structures"
    has been shown to be wrong.

    See what I mean? Why not show it is wrong instead of just asserting it?

    If Behe wants to argue for individual systems
    that they did not evolve, fine but he cannot use IC-ness as a distinguishing

    Why not?

    << FMA:
    Or do you disagree with that conclusion?

    Of course not.

    You do not disagree with the conclusion and yet you support ID? That's
    surprising. Or should I read your comments differently?

    Typo. I meant Of course.

    Please show btw the error in analysis in for instance Robison's excellent
    rebuttal of Behe as found on talkorigins.

    Behe responded to this. Robison's steps were neutral. Selection would depend
    on his fourth step. This is non-Darwinian and assumes an already functioning
    system. He also states:

    "one step in the population for the scenario would be expected to occur only
    once every ten billion generations."

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