Re: An Evaluation of Ten Recent Biology Textbooks

Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 12:10:42 EDT

  • Next message: Nelson Alonso: "RE: Blood clotting and IC'ness?"

    Wells is a charlatan. An 'embryologist' that cannot accurately describve
    basic structures in an embryo. Why doesn't the little biosketch of him list
    his first degree in theology? Why doesn't it say that he is a follower of
    the Rev. Moon?

    Does it mention thatthis amazing researcher has only 3 publications to his

    NONE of them dealing with evolution?

    That his slanderous charges about the peppered moths are ridiculous? That
    most biology texts that include Haeckels drawings - if at all - mention them
    only in an historical light?

    Does Wells point out that HIS postion has NO evidence for it at all except
    for philosophical mumbo-jumbo and incredulity?

    Of course not. It sickens me that this anti-scientist continues to get

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