I notice that Wells is still confused about the peppered moth?
"Science is the search for truth," explained Wells. "Most biology
textbooks are simply lying to students about the evidence for evolution."
Can he support this?
" And all of the peppered-moth pictures were staged .Scientists have known
since the 1980s that the moths do not normally rest on tree trunks. And yet
textbooks have failed to change with the times."
Despite the fact that his claim about resting on the tree trunk was erroneous
and that pictures were not always staged. That pictures were staged is not
necessarily a problem, it shows the difference between the melanic and normal
moth on the background of the tree.
Donald Frack showed this in postings on this archive. Peppered Moth round
2/Peppered Moth round 3.
Too bad Wells was not made aware of his apparant errors.
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