Re: irreducible simplicity

Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 23:28:47 EDT

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    In a message dated 9/12/2000 2:07:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

    << Thus, mechanical devices with such "backup systems" seem to me
    to be inherently less simple that those without such systems; yet
    they also seem to be more highly designed (although I admit it is
    hard to conceive of a quantitative index for "degree of design").

    It's not a very large leap from the human design concept of multiple
    redundancy and the systems that employ this concept to the kinds of biological
    systems that contain various "error-checking" mechanisms.


    It almost sounds un-IC like. IC systems are such that removing a single part
    will result in the system stopping to function. Would a designer not have
    worked on some backup mechanisms instead?

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