Re: evidence against Darwinism-there isn't any!

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 02:19:04 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: A problem with ID-theorists' view of macroevolution"

    >Cliff HGood point. A law can't be circumvented. Let me rephrase my last
    >comment. There are reasons as to why the 2LOT would not be an obstacle to
    >evolution. Another point is that the 2LOT states that the amount of
    >entropy in a system always increases. This implies that the universe will
    >eventually fill up with so much entropy that any form of organization will
    >be impossible. But, the universe is expanding. If the rate of expansion is
    >greater than the rate of entropic increase, then it is possible that the
    >universe will become even more orderly than when it started. In fact, I
    >think this is what is happening and why we see the evolution of larger,
    >more complex organisms.
    >I just love shooting down my own ideas.
    >Cliff H

    Also, if the universe is infinite, then there is no part of it that is a
    closed system, so it would be unlikely that the entire universe would
    settle into a low-energy state at the same time.

    The slightest difference in mass between two near-together volumes of space
    would cause a *further* increase in mass in the area with more mass and a
    decrease in surrounding areas, thus de-stabilizing an ever-larger volume of
    matter and possibly leading to local "Big Bangs."

    The 2LOT only applies in situations where "normal" physics applies and
    where there are not counteracting forces (such as gravity). We do not need
    to be concerned about the prospect of "Heat Death." The 2LOT is a derived
    law, and only applies under the conditions that allow it to be derived.
    There is no reason to believe that applies to the universe as a whole,
    because there is no reason to believe that the conditions that make it
    applicable are themselves conditions in the universe as a whole.

    Besides, if 2LOT were in fact absolute and absolutely universal, even God
    would not be able to get around it.

    However, whether it is absolute or not, it is, as many have pointed out,
    not incompatible with naturalistic evolution. In fact, life is just one of
    the *many* phenomena that occur as local energy sources (such as the Sun,
    the Earth's core, etc.) yield up energy to space. If the naive application
    of it were valid, we could not have evaporation followed by rainfall. The
    fact is that not all energy is *directly* lost to space; a small portion of
    it causes things to happen locally, as it works its way toward being
    radiated into space. In some cases, chemical reactions are triggered. If
    these chemical reactions produce molecules that can trigger more of the
    same type of molecule, and if there can be variations in the structure of
    the molecules thus produced, evolution becomes possible. How far it will
    get depends on the particulars of the case, but the point is that evolution
    is driven by energy from outside the things that are evolving and thus they
    do not run down in the normal sense because more energy is frequently fed
    into them.

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