Re: A problem with ID-theorists' view of macroevolution

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 12:53:42 EDT

  • Next message: Brian D Harper: "Re: Piecemeal genetic differences as support for macroevolution, etc."

    Cliff H:

    > I think bertvan's situation is a telling problem with the intelligent
    >design movement as a whole. I don't think they understand that science is
    >an adversarial process. Scientists put forth ideas expecting them to be
    >criticized. My collegues often say that if they don't get hard hitting
    >questions at the end of their presentations, then they know that they
    >didn't do a good job. The problem with the ID community is that they
    >expect the scientific community to just accept whatever they say. Any
    >criticism is considered an attack and they go on the defensive rather than
    >try to meaningfully address the criticism.

    yes, they are so used to inerrancy and the habit of accepting what they are
    told without question that they are flabbergasted by critical analysis.

    Bertvan is a special case, however. Whenever she makes some bald statement
    that is easily proved to be untrue she starts complaining that she's not
    allowed to have her beliefs. As if proving her beliefs to be untrue is
    somehow robbing her of her right to speak or something.



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