RE: I've also read Spetner's book

John E. Rylander (
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 19:33:12 -0500

> >Another possible argument is that God can survey all logically possible
> >universes and bring into existence any one He chooses. He thus
> >actualized this reality which happens to have spawned humans through
> >chance and natural selection because it spawned humans.

Just one caveat, a minor one for these purposes, but important
philosophically: even if God is omnipotent and omniscient, it doesn't follow
that He can actualize just any possible world.

Suppose there's a possible world in which I freely go my entire life without
ever once yielding to sin. (A very different world from the actual world, I
can assure you.) Whether such a possibility is in fact actualized is
largely up to me, not God, if I have free will. My free choices are (by His
will) my own, not His.
