RE: Dembski's "Explaining Specified Complexity"

John E. Rylander (
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:49:01 -0500

> Kevin wrote:
> >When it comes to God and Christianity, I see faith as a rock
> whereas I see a
> >reliance upon evidence as sand. What can be proven by evidence
> can also be
> >disproven by evidence (like building a house on sand), but what
> is based on
> >faith is everlasting (like building a house on rock).
> I can see why you would say that. Science, built upon evidence, is always
> shifting and changing (like sand, I suppose). Religion does
> evolve but most
> people think it's not supposed to. That's the difference between
> science and
> religion. As new evidence is discovered science must change. Religion must
> ignore any new evidence and remain static--as static as a rock.
> Though rocks
> do weather way.
> A bit of a testimonial for you to consider :-)
> Susan

"Religion must ignore any new evidence and remain static --"

I take it you're equating "religion" with "naive fundamentalism"?
