The Nature of Atheist - Christian dialogue

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 18:41:57 EDT

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    Basically, I made the points that I wanted to make.
    After all, this is a Christian list and it doesn't
    take too long to feel disrespectful pointing out
    items that are difficult for Christians to hear (even
    if I feel it is important that they be said).

    In my experience, atheists often misunderstand the
    Christian mindset. Christians don't want their
    Bible nit-picked, and they want to be treated with

    On the other hand, atheists often find Christianity
    offensive. Thus, the stage is set for emotions to
    run high without productive dialogue.

    I have seen more than enough Christian dishonesty
    to last for a lifetime. I think atheists can
    benefit from listening to Christians. Nothing
    else to say for now.


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