Re: The Nature of Atheist - Christian dialogue

Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 07:52:25 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Common Descent: From Monkey To Man"

    In a message dated 4/28/03 6:42:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    > Basically, I made the points that I wanted to make.
    > After all, this is a Christian list and it doesn't
    > take too long to feel disrespectful pointing out
    > items that are difficult for Christians to hear (even
    > if I feel it is important that they be said).
    > In my experience, atheists often misunderstand the
    > Christian mindset. Christians don't want their
    > Bible nit-picked, and they want to be treated with
    > respect.
    > On the other hand, atheists often find Christianity
    > offensive. Thus, the stage is set for emotions to
    > run high without productive dialogue.
    > I have seen more than enough Christian dishonesty
    > to last for a lifetime. I think atheists can
    > benefit from listening to Christians. Nothing
    > else to say for now.
    > Jim

    Dear Jim,

    Before coming to this list I made my bones at hbe-l, a list populated by
    scientists, most of whom were atheists. They had no patience with metaphysics
    at all. When there was a position, it was defended, with references that
    could be checked. Opinions were not respected without some basis in fact. For
    you to say, I am an atheist, and you Christians just don't get it and to say
    it over and over and over again without responding with a principled argument
    and presumptously repeating the same mantra of you Christians don't get it is
    not constructive. It's not science and it's not religion. Nor do you respond
    to objections. I don't understand what you are doing here unless it is
    simply to boldly trash the religion. What is it you are gaining with this
    pattern of behavior? You have an agenda, not a defense.
    I thought pontificating was what Catholics did?
    I've asked if you are a converso, which would make your behavior
    intelligible, but you do not respond. Are other religions besides
    Christianity offensive to atheists? Is Judaism offensive to atheists? Or are
    you just deconstructing Christianity?


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